Visions of Computer Science Education
Keywords: Computer Science Education, Values in Technology Education, Participatory Knowledge Building
This project focused on surfacing and unpacking the diversity of arguments for Computer Science education. Different arguments and the assumptions they make imply a range of approaches to CS pedagogy and yield different intended outcomes and pathways for students; each ‘CSed ideology’ yields a different ‘CSed vision’ for young people.
The CSed Visions Framework was developed by Sara Vogel, Rafi Santo and Dixie Ching through a collaborative process with CS education stakeholders in New York City associated with the Hive NYC Learning Network. It’s been used to guide over one hundred K12 school districts across the United States as they deliberate about their core values around CS education in order to help them design local efforts around what they care about most.
In a related project, I draw on the CSed Visions framework in a research-practice partnership studying how school districts’ values around computer science education play out within the planning and implementation of district-wide CSed initiatives.
Sara Vogel - CUNY
Dixie Ching - Google
The National Science Foundation
The Spencer Foundation
CSed Visions Unplugged Activity - Slide deck, Cards
Vogel, S., Santo, R., & Ching, D. (2017). Visions of Computer Science Education: Unpacking Arguments for and Projected Impacts of CS4All Initiatives. In Proceedings of the 48th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. ACM.
Santo, R., Vogel, S., & Ching, D. (2019). CS for What? Diverse Visions of Computer Science Education in Practice. New York, NY: CSforALL. [pdf]