Investigating and Scaling Computing Integrated Teacher Education
Keywords: Organizational Learning and Innovation, Institutional Change, Networked Improvement, Higher Education, Teacher Education, Comuting Education, Research-Practice Partnerships.
The Investigating and Scaling Computing Integrated Teacher Education research-practice partnership (InSCITE RPP) is a collaboration between Telos Learning and the City University of New York's Computing Integrated Teacher Education (CITE) initiative. CITE aims to transform teacher preparation programs at 15 colleges enrolling over 15,000 students annually towards meaningfully and equitably integrating computing and digital literacies into their curriculum, research, and program planning.
Working to align teacher education within CUNY to New York State's Computer Science and Digital Fluency learning standards, CITE's key levers for change include supporting faculty professional development, research projects, curricular design for courses, field experiences, and student teaching, and strategic planning support, technical assistance, and funding for college-level leadership teams.
The InSCITE RPP supports the initiative through foundational research, data-driven insights, and strategy design focused on addressing key questions:
What work is entailed for teacher education programs to support pre-service teachers (PSTs) in integrating issues of computing, technology, and digital culture into their future teaching practice?
What factors constrain and enable this multifaceted support comprehensively and coherently across all teacher educator programs (i.e. literacy education, math education, special education, etc.)?
How does this work vary across a wide range of colleges of education that differ in their institutional context, team structures, capacities, and approaches to strategic planning and implementation?
David Phelps, Telos Learning
Colin Angevine, Telos Learning
Jean Ryoo, Telos Learning
Aankit Patel, City University of New York
Sara Vogel, City University of New York
Jessica Velez, City University of New York