Brokering Youth Pathways in Digital Learning
Keywords: Youth Pathways, Digital Learning, Design-based Research, Networked Improvement Communities, Research-Practice Partnerships
This line of research focuses on the practice of brokering future learning, or connecting youth to future learning opportunities and resources, as a means of supporting youth pathways in digital media. Centered on work conducted within a research-practice partnership between Hive Research Lab and the Hive NYC Learning Network, the focal practice of brokering emerged through a collaborative knowledge building process with over 60 youth-serving educational organizations dedicated to supporting youth pathways across settings, and utilized design-based research and networked improvement methods engage in intensive research-practice collaborations in order to develop and refine new brokering practices.
“Brokering” is an important equity-oriented practice that educators can take up in support of youth learning and development. Brokering is means of supporting identity development, social capital building and long-term, interest-driven learning across settings through actively connecting program participants to new learning opportunities like out of school programs, internships, events like hack jams and meet-ups, and more. Common brokering practices include: an educator telling a young person about an opportunity and encouraging them to sign up, posting flyers, and organizing a field trip for young people to learn about a new organization or site.
The Brokering Youth Pathways Toolkit, developed with Hive NYC partners, includes a framework, three research reports, and eleven practice briefs aimed.
Dixie Ching, New York University
Kylie Peppler, UC-Irvine
Chris Hoadley, New York University
Mozilla Foundation
Beam Center
Scope of Work
The Spencer Foundation
Hive Digital Media Fund at the New York Community Trust
The MacArthur Foundation
Capital One
Ching, D., Santo, R., Pepper, K., & Hoadley, C. (2018). “He saw I had a loving for it”: Youth Interest Signaling as a Means of Generating Social Support in Technology Pathways. New York, NY: Hive Research Lab.
Ching, D., Santo, R., Pepper, K., & Hoadley, C. (2018). Brokering Youth Pathways: A toolkit for connecting youth to future opportunity. New York, NY: Hive Research Lab.
Ching, D., Santo, R., Hoadley, C., & Peppler, K. (2016). Not just a blip in someone’s life: integrating brokering practices into out-of- school programming as a means of supporting youth futures. On the Horizon, 24(3). pp. 296-312.
Ching, D., Santo, R., Hoadley, C., Peppler, K. (2015). On-ramps, Lane Changes, Detours and Destinations: Building Connected Learning Pathways in Hive NYC through Brokering Future Learning Opportunities. New York, NY: Hive Research Lab.