(*) denotes peer reviewed or refereed publications.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2020). NASA's Science Activation Program: Achievements and Opportunities. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/25569. (*) [pdf]
Peppler, K., Santo, R., Gresalfi, M. & Salen, K., (2014). Script Changers: Digital Storytelling with Scratch. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Salen, K., Gresalfi, M., Peppler, K., & Santo, R. (2014). Gaming the System: Designing with Gamestar Mechanic. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Peppler, K., Gresalfi, M. Salen, K., & Santo, R. (2014). Soft Circuits: DIY Crafting with E-Fashion. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Peppler, K., Gresalfi, M. Salen, K., & Santo, R. (2014). Short Circuits: DIY Crafting with E-Puppets. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Journal Articles, Book Chapters, Reports & White Papers
Santo, R., Hu, A. D., Phelps, D., Caskurlu, S., Dunbar, K., & Yadav, A. (2024). “These two worlds are antithetical”: epistemic tensions in integrating computational thinking in K12 humanities and arts. Computer Science Education, 1–37. https://doi.org/10.1080/08993408.2024.2380163​ [pdf]
Santo, R., Yadav, A., & Phelps, D. (2024). Their fight is our fight: Why computing education advocates must be in solidarity with public schools. ACM Transactions on Computing Education, 24(1), 1-4. https://doi.org/10.1145/3632296 [pdf]
Rhinesmith, C., & Santo, R. (2022). Digital equity ecosystems measurement framework. Digital Equity Research Center, Metropolitan New York Library Council. https://metro.org/digital_equity_ecosystems [pdf]
Ryoo, J. J., Santo, R., & Lachney, M. (2022). Introduction to the Special Issue on Justice-Centered Computing Education, Part 2. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 22(3), 1-6. [pdf]
Phelps, D., & Santo, R. (2022). Debugging inequities: Data use, “gumshoe work,” and problem identification in district-wide computer science education initiatives. Policy Futures in Education, 0(0). (*) [pdf]
Caskurlu, S., Yadav, A., Dunbar, K., & Santo, R. (2021). Professional Development as a Bridge between Teacher Competencies and Computational Thinking Integration. In Computational Thinking in Education (pp. 136-150). Routledge.
Lachney, M., Ryoo, J., & Santo, R. (2021). Introduction to the Special Section on Justice-Centered Computing Education, Part 1. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 21(4), 1-15. [pdf]
Phelps, D., & Santo, R. (2021). Student Leadership, Systems Change: Opportunities and Tensions for Youth Impact on District-Wide Computer Science Initiatives. ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), 21(4), 1-39. (*) [pdf]
Santo, R., Ahn, J., & DeLyser, L. A. (2021). Computational thinking as district strategy: Moving the CS vs CT Debate from the ivory tower to the schoolhouse. In Computational Thinking in Education (pp. 191-211). Routledge.
Santo, R., Herz, L., Phelps, D., Lotero, A., & Angevine, C. (2021). Youth Empowerment Summer: Crisis Response and Lessons for the Future of Collective Action and Work-based Learning. New York, NY: Student Success Network and Telos Learning. [pdf]
Santo, R., Phelps, D., Angevine, C., Lotero, A., & Herz, L. (2021). Beyond home and school: community-based media and youth voice on pandemic life in the United States. Journal of Children and Media, 15(1), 112-116. (*) [pdf]
Santo, R. & Ryoo, J, (2021, June). Co-Chairs Introduction: From Broadening Participation to Justice-Centered CS Education. In Proceedings of 2021 Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Santo, R., Ching, D., Peppler, K., & Hoadley, C. (2020). ‘When is safe enough?’ Considering Diversity and Equity When Brokering Pre-Professional Learning Opportunities to Minoritized Youth. In Gresalfi, M. and Horn, I. S. (Eds.), The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, Volume 1 (pp. 43-50). Nashville, Tennessee: International Society of the Learning Sciences. (*) [pdf]
Santo, R., DeLyser, L. A., & Ahn, J. (2020). Negotiating Equity Priorities Within Systems Change: A Case Study of a District-Level Initiative to Implement K12 Computer Science Education. Computing in Science & Engineering, 22(5), 7-19. (*) [pdf]
Santo, R., Vogel, S., & Ching, D. (2019). CS for What? Diverse Visions of Computer Science Education in Practice. New York, NY: CSforALL. [pdf]
Santo, R. (2019). Seeking Synergy: Strategic Partnership Development as Organizational Practice in Informal Education Organizations. In M. Semmel (Ed.) The Partnership Imperative: Successful Models and Strategies for Museums. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. [pdf]
Santo, R., Ahn, J. and Sarmiento, J. (2019). Reclaiming Digital Futures: Lessons to Help Youth Thrive Through Informal Learning with Technology. Irvine, CA: UC-Irvine. [pdf] [toolkit]
Santo, R., DeLyser, L., Ahn, J., Pellicone, A., Aguiar, J. & Wortel-London, S. (2019). Equity in the Who, How and What of Computer Science Education: K12 School District Conceptualizations of Equity in ‘CS for All’ Initiatives. In Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Research in Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT). (*) [pdf]
Ching, D., Santo, R., Pepper, K., & Hoadley, C. (2018). “He saw I had a loving for it”: Youth Interest Signaling as a Means of Generating Social Support in Technology Pathways. New York, NY: Hive Research Lab. [pdf]
Ching, D., Santo, R., Pepper, K., & Hoadley, C. (2018). Brokering Youth Pathways: A toolkit for connecting youth to future opportunity. New York, NY: Hive Research Lab. [toolkit]
Santo, R. (2018). Open Source Culture as Inspiration for Design of Educator Learning Networks. In Yoon, S.A., & Baker-Doyle, K. (Eds.), Networked by design: Interventions for teachers to develop social capital. New York, NY: Routledge. [pdf]
Santo, R., Ching, D., Peppler, K., & Hoadley, C. (2018). Messy, sprawling and open: Research-practice partnership methodologies for working in distributed inter-organizational networks. In B. Bevan & W. R. Penuel (Eds.), Connecting research and practice for educational improvement: Ethical and equitable approaches. New York, NY: Routledge.[pdf]
Santo, R., Ching, D., Peppler, K. A., & Hoadley, C. M. (2017). Participatory Knowledge Building within Research-Practice Partnerships in Education. SAGE Research Methods Case. London: Sage Publications. [pdf]
Vogel, S., Santo, R., & Ching, D. (2017). Visions of Computer Science Education: Unpacking Arguments for and Projected Impacts of CS4All Initiatives. In Proceedings of the 48th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. ACM. (*) [pdf]
Santo, R. (2017). Working Open in the Hive: How Informal Education Organizations Learn, Collaborate, and Innovate in Networks (Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University). [pdf]
Santo, R., Ching, D., Hoadley, C. M., & Peppler, K. A. (2016). Working in the Open: Lessons from Open Source on Building Innovation Networks in Education. On the Horizon, 24 (3). pp.280-295. (*) [pdf]
Ching, D., Santo, R., Hoadley, C., & Peppler, K. (2016). Not just a blip in someone’s life: integrating brokering practices into out-of- school programming as a means of supporting youth futures. On the Horizon, 24(3). pp. 296-312. (*) [pdf]
Andrade, A, & Santo, R. (2016). Advancing Learning Visualizations: Situated Action Networks as Scalable Representations of Learning in Social Settings. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences ICLS 2016. Singapore, June 2016. (*) [pdf]
Penuel, B., Van Horne, K., York, A., Santo, R., Ching, D., Podkul, K. (2015). Connected Learning: From Outcomes Workshops to Survey Items. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado, Hive Research Lab, and SRI International. [pdf]
Santo, R., Peppler, K., Ching, D., Hoadley, C. (2015). “Maybe a Maker Space? Organizational Learning about Maker Education within a Regional Out-of-School Network.” Proceedings of FabLearn: Conference on Creativity and Fabrication in Education, Stanford, CA. (*) [pdf]
Ching, D., Santo, R., Hoadley, C., Peppler, K. (2015). On-ramps, Lane Changes, Detours and Destinations: Building Connected Learning Pathways in Hive NYC through Brokering Future Learning Opportunities. New York, NY: Hive Research Lab. [pdf]
Santo, R., Ching, D., Peppler, K., Hoadley, C. (2014). What does it mean to “Work Open” in Hive NYC? A Vision for Collective Organizational Learning. New York, NY: Hive Research Lab. [pdf]
Santo, R. (2013). Towards hacker literacies: What Facebook’s privacy snafus can teach us about empowered technological practices. Digital Culture & Education, 5:1, 18-33. (*) [pdf]
Levine, M. & Santo, R. (2013). Upgrading Afterschool: Common Sense Shifts in Expanded Learning for a Digital Age. In Peterson, T. K. (Ed.) Expanding Minds and Opportunities: Leveraging the Power of Afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success. Washington, DC: Collaborative Communications Group. [pdf]
Santo, R. (2012). Hacker Literacies: User-Generated Resistance and Reconfiguration of Networked Publics. In J. Avila & J. Zacher-Pandya (Eds.) Critical Digital Literacies as Social Praxis: Intersections & Challenges. New York, NY: Peter Lang. [pdf]
Santo, R. (2012). Hacker Literacies: Synthesizing Critical and Participatory Media Literacy Frameworks. International Journal of Learning and Media. 3(3), 1-5. [pdf]
Arvizu, S., Santo, R., Arena, D., Wardrip, P., Johnson, B.Z., Simon, A., et al. (2012). The Stories We Are Telling: How Digital Media and Learning is Communicated by Education Reformers. Washington, DC: FrameWorks Institute. [pdf]
Santo, R. (2011). Contested Notions, Conflicting Agendas, and Carmen San Diego. A Review of Engineering Play: A Cultural History of Children’s Software by Mizuko Ito. Mind, Culture, and Activity, (21)2, 171-174. [pdf]
Davis, K., Katz, S. L., & Santo, R. (2010). Fostering Cross-Generational Dialogues about the Ethics of Online Life. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 2(2), 124-150. (*) [pdf]
Santo, R. with James, C., Davis, K., Burch, L., Katz, S. & Joseph, J. (2009) Meeting of Minds: Cross-Generational Dialogue on the Ethics of Digital Life. New York, NY: Global Kids; Cambridge, MA: Harvard University; San Francisco, CA: Common Sense Media. [pdf]
Santo, R. (2007). Engaging youth with a new medium: The potentials of virtual worlds. Youth Media Reporter Journal, 1(5), 49-51. [pdf]